FR系列有卤素粘结片(简称纯胶) |
产品型号 |
胶厚度(um) |
产品编码 |
胶厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
FR0100 |
1(25) |
FR0400 |
4(102) |
24in(W)*250ft |
FPC多层板、硬板及软硬结合板层间复合 |
FR0200 |
1(51) |
FR1500 |
1/2(13) |
FR0300 |
1(76) |
FR1501 |
0.7(18) |
LF系列无卤素粘结片(简称纯胶) |
产品型号 |
胶厚度(um) |
产品编码 |
胶厚度(mm) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
LF0100 |
1(25) |
LF0400 |
4(102) |
24in(W)*250ft |
FPC多层板、硬板及软硬结合板层间复合 |
LF0200 |
1(51) |
LF1500 |
1/2(13) |
LF0300 |
1(76) |
LF1501 |
0.7(18) |
HXC系列黑色覆盖膜 |
产品型号 |
胶ADH厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
HXC1215 |
0.6(15) |
12 |
249mm*200m |
苹果项目指定的黑色环氧型epoxy覆盖膜,保质期4个月 |
HXC1220 |
0.8(20) |
12 |
HXC1225 |
1(25) |
12 |
HXC2525 |
1(25) |
25 |
FR系列黄色覆盖膜Coverlay(含卤素) |
产品型号 |
胶ADH厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
FR0110 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
工业类通用的黄色覆盖膜,阻燃等级比无卤LF系列要高。 |
FR0120 |
1(25) |
51 |
FR7001 |
1/2(13) |
13 |
FR7013 |
1(25) |
13 |
LF系列黄色覆盖膜Coverlay(无卤素) |
产品型号 |
胶ADH厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
LF0110 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
光电类及工业类无卤素黄色覆盖膜,正常工作温度可达140°C |
LF0120 |
1(25) |
51 |
LF7001 |
1/2(13) |
13 |
LF7013 |
1(25) |
13 |
FR系列Bondply(简称两面带胶PI,含卤素) |
产品型号 |
胶ADH厚度(um)两面 |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
FR0111 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
双面带胶PI,Acrylic胶系,常温密封保存,应用于多层板内层和软硬结合板内层,尤其针对内层2+2结构,双面有蚀刻线路的叠层结构,良好的填充性能,优化结构,同时减少压合次数 |
FR0121 |
1(25) |
51 |
FR0131 |
1(25) |
76 |
FR0212 |
2(51) |
25 |
FR7021 |
1/2(13) |
1/2(13) |
FR7016 |
1(25) |
1/2(13) |
FR7081 |
2(51) |
1/2(13) |
FR1515 |
1/2(13) |
25 |
LF系列Bondply(简称两面带胶PI,无卤素) |
产品型号 |
胶ADH厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
LF0111 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
双面带胶PI,Acrylic胶系,常温密封保存,应用于多层板内层和软硬结合板内层,尤其针对内层2+2结构,双面有蚀刻线路的叠层结构,良好的填充性能,优化结构,同时减少压合次数 |
LF0121 |
1(25) |
51 |
LF0131 |
1(25) |
76 |
LF0212 |
2(51) |
25 |
LF7021 |
1/2(13) |
1/2(13) |
LF7016 |
1(25) |
1/2(13) |
LF7081 |
2(51) |
1/2(13) |
LF1515 |
1/2(13) |
25 |
HXN系列超薄黄色覆盖膜Coverlay(环氧型) |
产品型号 |
胶ADH厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
HXN0510 |
0.4(10) |
5 |
250mm*200m |
环氧型超薄覆盖膜,LCM模组专用,良好的柔韧性能 |
HXN0515 |
0.6(15) |
5 |
HXN0810 |
0.4(10) |
8 |
HXN0815 |
0.6(15) |
8 |
FR系列单面有胶基材(含卤素) |
产品型号 |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
胶厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
FR9110R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* |
工业类单面有胶基材,正常工作温度可达140°C,主要应用在工业类、光电类、汽车、医疗类 |
FR9120R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
FR9130R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
FR9150R |
1(35) |
25 |
127 |
FR系列双面有胶基材(含卤素) |
产品型号 |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
胶厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
FR9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* |
双面粘合基材,工作温度高达140°C,主要用于工业、光电、汽车、医疗和航天领域。 |
FR9121R |
1(35) |
25 |
52 |
FR9131R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
FR9222R |
2(70) |
25 |
127 |
LF系列单面有胶基材(无卤) |
产品型号 |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
胶厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
LF9110R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* |
工业类单面有胶基材,正常工作温度可达140°C,主要应用在工业类、光电类、汽车、医疗类 |
LF9120R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
LF9130R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
LF9150R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
LF系列双面有胶基材(无卤) |
产品型号 |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
胶厚度(um) |
PI厚度(um) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
LF9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* 25 sheets in a box |
工业类单面有胶基材,正常工作温度可达140°C,主要应用在工业类、光电类、汽车、医疗类 |
LF9121R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
LF9131R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
LF9222R |
2(70) |
25 |
51 |
无胶基材 |
AC系列单面无胶基材 |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
PI厚度(um) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
AC121200EM/R |
12(1/3 ) |
12 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
消费类电子单面无胶基材,应用于普通单面板和多层软板 |
AC122000EM/R |
12(1/3) |
20 |
12(1/3) |
AC182000EM/R |
18(1/2) |
20 |
18(1/2) |
AC182500EM/R |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
AC181200EM/R |
18(1/2) |
12 |
18(1/2) |
AC352500EY/R |
35(1.0) |
25 |
35(1.0) |
AC354500EY/R |
35(1.0) |
45 |
35(1.0) |
AK系列双面无胶基材(HTE铜) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
PI厚度(um) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
AK121212EM |
12(1/3) |
12 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
消费类电子双面无胶基材,高延展性电解铜,应用于普通双面板和软硬结合板内层,涨缩稳定性好 |
AK121812EM |
12(1/3) |
18 |
12(1/3) |
AK122512EM |
12(1/3) |
25 |
12(1/3) |
AK125012EM |
18(1/2) |
50 |
18(1/2) |
AK182518EM |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
AK185018EM |
18(1/2) |
50 |
18(1/2) |
AK系列双面无胶基材(HA铜) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
PI厚度(um) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
AK122512RY |
12(1/3) |
25 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
消费类电子双面无胶基材,HA高延展性压延铜,应用于普通双面板和软硬结合板内层,折弯性能好 |
AK182518RY |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
AK185018RY |
18(1/3) |
50 |
18(1/2) |
KP系列双面无胶基材 |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
PI厚度(um) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
KP122512E |
12(1/3) |
25 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
LCD、LCM、TP、摄像头模组及消费类电子应用基材,良好的涨缩稳定性,TD方向热处理后3%以内,MD方便可以达5%以内。 |
KP182518E |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
250mm*100m |
AP系列双面无胶基材 |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
PI厚度(um) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
AP8515R |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610mm)* |
工业类双面无胶基材,正常工作温度可达180°C,传输速度可达10GHZ左右,主要应用在工业类、光电模块类、汽车、医疗、航空航天类 |
AP8525R |
18(1/2) |
51 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610 mm)* |
AP9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
1(35) |
24in(610mm)* |
AP9121R |
1(35) |
51 |
1(35) |
12in(610mm)* |
AP9131R |
1(35) |
76 |
1(35) |
Pyralux® JT |
产品编号 |
PI厚度(um) |
材料特性及应用领域 |
包装规格 |
JT25 |
25 |
Polyamideimide材质,正常工作温度可以达150° |
24in(W)*250ft |
JT50 |
50 |
Pyralux® HT |
产品编号 |
PI厚度(um) |
材料特性及应用领域 |
包装规格 |
HT0100 |
25 |
正常工作温度可以耐225°;需要高温压机压合,温度达300°以上 |
24in(W)*250ft |
HT7049 |
38 |
HT0200 |
50 |
HT0300 |
75 |
HT系列工业类耐高温的基材 |
HT系列双面无胶基材 |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
PI厚度(um) |
Cuum(OZ/ft2) |
包装规格 |
应用领域 |
HT8515R |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610mm)* |
全聚酰亚胺系双面无胶基材,当今耐温值最高的软板材料,工作温度可达225°C以上,高结合力,优异的绝缘层厚度均匀度和电气性能 |
HT8525R |
18(1/2) |
51 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610mm)* |
HT9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
1(35) |
24in(610mm)* |
HT9121R |
1(35) |
51 |
1(35) |
12in(610mm)* |
FR series has halogen bonding sheet (referred to as pure glue) |
Product Model |
mil(um)Thickness of adhesive |
Product Code |
mil(um)Thickness of adhesive |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
FR0100 |
1(25) |
FR0400 |
4(102) |
24in(W)*250ft |
FPC multilayer, rigid and rigid-soft combination board interlayer lamination |
FR0200 |
1(51) |
FR1500 |
1/2(13) |
FR0300 |
1(76) |
FR1501 |
0.7(18) |
LF series halogen-free bonding sheet (referred to as pure glue) |
Product Model |
mil(um)Thickness of adhesive |
Product Code |
mil(mm)Thickness of adhesive |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
LF0100 |
1(25) |
LF0400 |
4(102) |
24in(W)*250ft |
FPC multilayer, rigid and rigid-soft combination board interlayer lamination |
LF0200 |
1(51) |
LF1500 |
1/2(13) |
LF0300 |
1(76) |
LF1501 |
0.7(18) |
Coverlay HXC Series Black Coverlay Film Coverlay |
Product Model |
mil(um)Gum ADH thickness |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
HXC1215 |
0.6(15) |
12 |
249mm*200m |
Black epoxy covering film specified by Apple project, with a shelf life of 4 months |
HXC1220 |
0.8(20) |
12 |
HXC1225 |
1(25) |
12 |
HXC2525 |
1(25) |
25 |
FR series yellow overlay film Coverlay (with halogen) |
Product Model |
mil(um)Gum ADH thickness |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
FR0110 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
A general-purpose yellow covering film for industrial classes with a higher flame retardant rating than the halogen-free LF series. |
FR0120 |
1(25) |
51 |
FR7001 |
1/2(13) |
13 |
FR7013 |
1(25) |
13 |
LF series yellow overlay film Coverlay (with halogen) |
Product Model |
mil(um)Gum ADH thickness |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
LF0110 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
Halogen-free yellow covering film for optoelectronic and industrial applications, with normal operating temperature up to 140°C |
LF0120 |
1(25) |
51 |
LF7001 |
1/2(13) |
13 |
LF7013 |
1(25) |
13 |
FR series Bondply (referred to as two-sided adhesive PI, containing halogen) |
Product Model |
mil(um)Gum ADH thicknessBoth sides |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
FR0111 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
Double-sided PI with adhesive, Acrylic adhesive system, sealed and stored at room temperature, used in the inner layer of multilayer boards and the inner layer of soft and hard combination boards, especially for the inner layer of 2+2 structure, double-sided laminated structure with etched lines, good filling performance, optimize the structure, while reducing the number of presses |
FR0121 |
1(25) |
51 |
FR0131 |
1(25) |
76 |
FR0212 |
2(51) |
25 |
FR7021 |
1/2(13) |
1/2(13) |
FR7016 |
1(25) |
1/2(13) |
FR7081 |
2(51) |
1/2(13) |
FR1515 |
1/2(13) |
25 |
LF series Bondply (referred to as two-sided adhesive PI, halogen-free) |
Product Model |
mil(um)Gum ADH thickness |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
LF0111 |
1(25) |
25 |
24in(610mm)* |
Double-sided PI with adhesive, Acrylic adhesive system, sealed and stored at room temperature, used in the inner layer of multilayer boards and the inner layer of soft and hard combination boards, especially for the inner layer of 2+2 structure, double-sided laminated structure with etched lines, good filling performance, optimize the structure, while reducing the number of presses |
LF0121 |
1(25) |
51 |
LF0131 |
1(25) |
76 |
LF0212 |
2(51) |
25 |
LF7021 |
1/2(13) |
1/2(13) |
LF7016 |
1(25) |
1/2(13) |
LF7081 |
2(51) |
1/2(13) |
LF1515 |
1/2(13) |
25 |
HXN series ultra-thin yellow covering film Coverlay (epoxy type) |
Product Model |
mil(um)Gum ADH thickness |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
HXN0510 |
0.4(10) |
5 |
250mm*200m |
Epoxy type ultra-thin covering film for LCM module, good flexibility performance |
HXN0515 |
0.6(15) |
5 |
HXN0810 |
0.4(10) |
8 |
HXN0815 |
0.6(15) |
8 |
FR series single-sided glued substrates (with halogen) |
Product Model |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
Thickness of adhesive |
(um) Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
FR9110R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* |
Industrial single-sided adhesive substrates, normal working temperature up to 140°C, mainly used in industrial, optoelectronic, automotive, medical |
FR9120R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
FR9130R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
FR9150R |
1(35) |
25 |
127 |
FR series double-sided adhesive substrates (with halogen) |
Product Model |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
Thickness of adhesive |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
FR9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* |
Double-sided adhesive substrate, working temperature up to 140°C, mainly used in industrial, optoelectronic, automotive, medical and aerospace applications |
FR9121R |
1(35) |
25 |
52 |
FR9131R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
FR9222R |
2(70) |
25 |
127 |
LF series single-sided adhesive base material (halogen-free) |
Product Model |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
(um)Thickness of adhesive |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
LF9110R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* |
Industrial single-sided adhesive substrates, normal working temperature up to 140°C, mainly used in industrial, optoelectronic, automotive, medical |
LF9120R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
LF9130R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
LF9150R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
LF series double-sided adhesive base material (halogen-free) |
Product Model |
Cu OZ/ft2(um) |
(um)Thickness of adhesive |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
LF9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
25 |
24in(610 mm)* 25 sheets in a box |
Industrial single-sided adhesive substrates, normal working temperature up to 140°C, mainly used in industrial, optoelectronic, automotive, medical |
LF9121R |
1(35) |
25 |
51 |
LF9131R |
1(35) |
25 |
76 |
LF9222R |
2(70) |
25 |
51 |
Non-adhesive substrates |
AC series single-sided non-adhesive substrate |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
AC121200EM/R |
12(1/3) |
12 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
Consumer electronics single-sided adhesive-free substrates for general single-sided and multilayer flexible boards |
AC122000EM/R |
12(1/3) |
20 |
12(1/3) |
AC182000EM/R |
18(1/2) |
20 |
18(1/2) |
AC182500EM/R |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
AC181200EM/R |
18(1/2) |
12 |
18(1/2) |
AC352500EY/R |
35(1.0) |
25 |
35(1.0) |
AC354500EY/R |
35(1.0) |
45 |
35(1.0) |
AK series double-sided adhesive-free substrates (HTE copper) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
AK121212EM |
12(1/3) |
12 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
Consumer electronics double-sided adhesive-free substrate, high ductility electrolytic copper, applied to the ordinary double-sided board and the inner layer of soft and hard combination board, good up and down stability |
AK121812EM |
12(1/3) |
18 |
12(1/3) |
AK122512EM |
12(1/3) |
25 |
12(1/3) |
AK125012EM |
18(1/2) |
50 |
18(1/2) |
AK182518EM |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
AK185018EM |
18(1/2) |
50 |
18(1/2) |
AK series double-sided adhesive-free substrate (HA copper) |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
AK122512RY |
12(1/3) |
25 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
Consumer electronics double-sided adhesive-free substrate, HA high ductility calendered copper, applied to the ordinary double-sided and soft-hard combination board inner layer, good bending performance |
AK182518RY |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
AK185018RY |
18(1/3) |
50 |
18(1/2) |
KP series double-sided adhesive-free substrate |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
KP122512E |
12(1/3) |
25 |
12(1/3) |
250mm*100m |
LCD, LCM, TP, camera modules and consumer electronics application substrates, good up and down stability, within 3% after TD direction heat treatment, MD convenience can reach within 5%. |
KP182518E |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
250mm*100m |
AP series double-sided adhesive-free substrate |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
AP8515R |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610mm)* |
Industrial double-sided adhesive-free substrates, normal working temperature up to 180°C, transmission speed up to about 10GHZ, mainly used in industrial, optoelectronic modules, automotive, medical, aerospace class |
AP8525R |
18(1/2) |
51 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610 mm)* |
AP9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
1(35) |
24in(610mm)* |
AP9121R |
1(35) |
51 |
1(35) |
12in(610mm)* |
AP9131R |
1(35) |
76 |
1(35) |
Pyralux® JT Coverfilm and Bonding Material |
Product No. |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Material properties and application areas |
Packaging specifications |
JT25 |
25 |
Polymide material, normal operating temperature can reach 150°. |
24in(W)*250ft |
JT50 |
50 |
Pyralux® HT Coverfilm and Bonding Material |
Product No. |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Material properties and application areas |
Packaging specifications |
HT0100 |
25 |
Normal working temperature can withstand 225°; need high temperature press to press together, the temperature reaches 300° or more |
24in(W)*250ft |
HT7049 |
38 |
HT0200 |
50 |
HT0300 |
75 |
HT series industrial class high temperature resistant substrates |
HT series double-sided adhesive-free substrate |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
(um)Thickness of PI |
Cu um(OZ/ft2) |
Packaging specifications |
Application Areas |
HT8515R |
18(1/2) |
25 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610mm)* |
All-polyimide double-sided non-adhesive base material, the highest temperature resistance of today's flexible board materials, working temperature up to 225 ° C or more, high bonding force, excellent insulation layer thickness uniformity and electrical performance |
HT8525R |
18(1/2) |
51 |
18(1/2) |
24in(610mm)* |
HT9111R |
1(35) |
25 |
1(35) |
24in(610mm)* |
HT9121R |
1(35) |
51 |
1(35) |
12in(610mm)* |