通知公告宣布2016杜邦 “青年教授奖”获奖者
发布时间:2023-02-10 16:04:50
(2017年1月17日,美国特拉华州威明顿讯) - 杜邦公司向八名青年学者授予了2016年度杜邦“青年教授奖”。 为表彰有前途的研究人才,杜邦将在未来两年向这批国际学者提供超过35万美元的资金, 以支持他们对推进基础科学知识以应对
(WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 17, 2017) - DuPont has awarded eight young scholars with the 2016 DuPont Young Professor Award. In recognition of promising research talent, DuPont will provide more than $350,000 over the next two years to these international scholars to support their efforts to advance basic scientific knowledge to address.